AFE Team's Fundraiser

60th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign
Join me in supporting a stronger, more sustainable floral industry for generations to come.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Support another 60 years of floral industry programs, research, and resources provided by the American Floral Endowment (AFE)!
For the second year in a row, AFE's annual fundraising event will be held virtually in order to assure the safety and health of our floral community. As a Board and staff, our shared goal for this virtual non-event is to raise $100,000 in 60 days! (Monday, June 14th to Friday, August 13th). Thanks to our generous community, we have reached our initial goal of $60,000 in the first 30 days!
Your all-important, greatly appreciated sponsorship will go a long way towards helping us meet our joint goal of $100,000!
For 60 years, AFE has been supporting the industry; help us continue for another 60! Your donation to AFE helps increase funding to support:
- Research to produce healthier, longer-lasting flowers and plants to boost profits for everyone.
- Scholarships and Internships to recruit tomorrow’s leaders and provide and hands-on training for the next generation.
- Educational Grants to provide learning opportunities and knowledge to all industry members.
- Industry resources to recruit and retain top talent including a floral career center, resources to help train your employees, and more.
Please review the Sponsorship Levels below and join us in supporting sustainable growth for the floral industry! Sponsorship Benefits include promotional opportunities, featured job postings on AFE's Career Center, commemorative t-shirts, water bottles, and recognition on AFE's social media and newsletters. If you aren't able to participate as a sponsor, please support AFE at the $60 level and receive the Anniversary T-shirt!
One last thing, if you have received multiple requests for our 60 Days to Raise $100,000, we apologize. Our entire Board of Trustees (all 18) and staff are participating and we are a competitive bunch!
Click Here for the Printable Form or simply sign up using the donation box located on this page.
NEW THIS YEAR! Recurring donor recognition - Join the Friends of Floral as a sustaining donor! If you set up your gift as a recurring donation, you will be listed separately on AFE's primary donor page and given VIP donor treatment with extra giveaways.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to AFE's Manager of Communications & Outreach, Karin Krause, at kkrause@afeendowment.org.