Arizona Retail Florist Education Travel Grant

Support florists in Arizona as they further their education within the industry!

Arizona Retail Florist Education Travel Grant image

Support florists in Arizona as they further their education within the industry!

Travel Grant for Arizona Retail Florists!

The Arizona Retail Florist Education Travel Grant was established to provide travel assistance for traditional retail florists in Arizona to attend floral educational or design events.

Funding for this grant originated from the defunct FTD District 8K but has grown substantially with additional contributions by Arizona industry members.

Your contribution goes directly into this fund to increase the amount of the fund (and grants over time). The value of the fund increases with each contribution.

How the Grant works:
Each year, one recipient will be selected by AFE’s Education Committee to receive a travel grant reimbursement of up to $1,000 to help cover the expense of attending an out-of-state industry educational event. The grant is open to owners, managers, and employees of traditional retail florists with an Arizona brick-and-mortar storefront. The intent of this grant is to expand an applicant’s attendance beyond events they regularly attend and potentially share their expanded knowledge with their industry peers in Arizona. The Application Deadline is October 1 each year!

“This new grant gives Arizona retail florists a great opportunity to attend a major national event and further their education within the industry,” said AFE Trustee Ken Young, AAF of Phoenix Flower Shops in Arizona.

Examples of eligible opportunities include:

  • Floral design schools
  • State or Regional Floral Conventions
  • AIFD Symposiums
  • SAF Convention or Profit Blast
  • FTD Boot Camp
  • Floriology Institute
  • Teleflora Academy Events
  • Cultivate
  • and more!

Thank you for your support!